Ludlow, 1914 (a dramatic vaudeville)

a devised work of The LIDA Project
text design: Jeannene Bragg / Brian Freeland
presented by THEATREWORKS

It was shocking, momentous, and then largely forgotten. Two dozen people were killed, including 2 women and 11 children. The Ludlow Massacre of 1914 was the most violent episode in the Colorado coal wars, which in turn was part of the deadliest strike in the history of the United States.  

This post-contemporary production deconstructs the Ludlow Massacre along with contemporary issues of labor and inequality. This wild examination of the centenary of the events creates the opportunity for audiences to explore social issues through context, both local and global.

Ludlow, 1914 is not a history lesson rather, it is a freeform exploration of the themes, both historical and current, evoked by the event: wealth inequality, worker’s rights, media bias, fossil fuel dependence.

Broadway World


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